Beverly Hills CA DUI Lawyer

Beverly Hills CA DUI LawyerIf you’ve been caught in Beverly Hills for DUI, you might be thinking that this is a rather common charge, and it’s no big deal. But actually, there can be serious consequences for even the most minor DUI infraction, including getting your license suspended and having to pay fines.

The most important piece of information to know if you’re dealing with a DUI in Beverly Hills is that you need a superb lawyer to walk you through the process, fight for your best interests all along the way, and give you fantastic legal advice you can trust. The ideal Beverly Hills DUI lawyer is Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm.

He specializes in DUI cases in Beverly Hills and throughout Southern California, and what sets him apart from other lawyers in Beverly Hills are the following:

  • Gives personalized attention and service to each and every client
  • Specializes in strategic defense strategies for DUI cases

Personalized Attention

For example, Attorney Chambers always gives his personal contact information to his clients, so they know that they can reach him if any questions or issues arise. He will respond to emergencies immediately, otherwise he’ll almost always be able to reply to your message within 24 hours.

Excellent Defense Strategies

When Beverly Hills’ premiere DUI lawyer represents you, rest assured that he will craft the most persuasive case possible so the judge (or jury, if your case goes to trial) will unequivocally side with you. He researches all possible laws that may pertain to your case—and he knows just about every DUI law in California by heart already, since he’s worked on so many Beverly Hills DUI cases over his multi-decade career.

One fantastic defense strategy is to present the fallibility of the equipment and methods police officers to check drivers for DUI.

For instance, sometimes when the driver is stopped under suspicion of DUI, his or her blood alcohol is below the legal limit of .08%, but the police officer believes he is drunk or high because of his performance in highly subjective field sobriety tests. So the officer arrests him and brings him in to jail, where he must submit to a blood alcohol test.

By that point, his blood alcohol level has risen since the time he was driving, so he is charged for DUI. It frequently happens, but there is no reason to arrest someone for DUI if he had a blood alcohol level below the legal minute while he was driving. The key is to prove the sequence of events and the mistakes made by the arresting officer, which attorney Dan Chambers has done many times with great success, and the charges are often completely dismissed.

Another possible defense strategy is to talk about the testing methods, which are not always 100% accurate. There is a margin of error in the blood alcohol tests, so if you tested slightly above the legal limit, attorney Dan Chambers will likely be able to convince the judge that the test was faulty.

Whatever the circumstances of your case, you can count on Dan Chambers to develop and implement an effective legal strategy to achieve the ideal outcome.

Call 714-760-4088, email or click “CONTACT” at the top right of this page to send an online message to schedule your free, no-risk consultation today. If you’re dealing with a DUI, time is of the essence to avoid having your license suspended, so ACT NOW!

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