Border tunnels, drug trafficking, and drug crime defenses

Border tunnels, drug trafficking, and drug crime defensesIn March and April, federal agents found two separate drug smuggling tunnels that went under the US-Mexico border, allowing the smugglers to cross the border as often as they pleased. Over 75 border tunnels have been found in the past five years, including several sophisticated “super tunnels” like these. The tunnel discovered in March connected a restaurant in Mexicali with a house in Calexico and ran as long as four football fields, and had lights and a rail system inside.

But the tunnel discovered in April is the longest border tunnel yet! It is half a mile long, about three feet wide, and has lights, ventilation, and an elevator on one end. It runs from a home in Tijuana to the fenced-in yard of what looked like a legitimate business in San Diego. A dumpster covered the entrance of the tunnel and was used to transport the drugs out of the yard.

Federal agents found a ton (2000 pounds) of cocaine and seven tons (14,000 pounds) of marijuana and charged six people with drug trafficking crimes. Even the best Southern California drug attorneys might have trouble convincing the court that it was just for personal use!

Drug trafficking crimes and penalties

Drug trafficking crimes include the sale, transportation, distribution, or manufacture of drugs. Penalties vary depending on the type of drugs sold. You could be looking at basic sentence of up to four years in state jail, plus a $20,000 fine for possessing a controlled substance (such as narcotics or prescription drugs) with intent to sell. Certain other drugs, like methamphetamines and marijuana, will have lower penalties. However, drug crimes are frequently prosecuted at both the state and the federal level (and it doesn’t count as double jeopardy) so you could serve time in federal prison as well.

Strong Southern CA drug crimes defenses

Fortunately, there are a number of defenses against drug charges, and an experienced drug crime defense attorney can really benefit your case. Don’t just assume that once you’re arrested, you’re automatically headed to jail. Many drug crimes are felonies and can carry long sentences—especially if this is not your first offense—but an aggressive attorney can help you beat the charges with a variety of defense strategies.

In some cases (when we’re not talking actual tons of drugs!) your attorney can argue that the drugs were merely used for personal use, not distribution. The difference in the penalties will be significant. If you are non-violent, first time offender charged with possession for personal use, you might even be eligible for the drug diversion program instead of jail time.

Or your attorney might argue that you did not know that the drugs were in your possession (for example, a friend stashed them in your apartment without your knowledge) or that you had no idea that it was an illegal substance. Unfortunately, the judge or jury may be allowed to assume that you knew about it, just because the drugs were in your possession.

In other situations, your attorney can argue that the evidence against you was obtained improperly, and it would be illegal to use it in court. For example, if officers failed to follow California’s search and seizure rules, the drugs or drug paraphernalia they found could not be used in court.

Fight the charges with top drug defense attorney Dan E. Chambers

If you’ve been accused of drug trafficking in Southern California, you need Southern California’s top drug crime defense attorney, Dan E. Chambers, on your side! Contact the Chambers Law Firm today by calling 714-760-4088, emailing, or sending a message via the Chat box at the bottom right of this page.

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