Breaking: New 2015 Swedish Study Links Genes and Sexual Offenses

Breaking: New 2015 Swedish Study Links Genes and Sexual OffensesDoes the tendency to commit sexual crimes arise from people’s upbringing, genes, or a mixture of both factors? A new Swedish study, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology this week, has found that genes has more to do with the probability of committing sexual crimes than previously thought.

Pertinent background info

The 37-year nationwide study, written by experts from the University of Oxford, the University of Ottawa, and the Karolinska Institutet (a Swedish medical university that’s one of Europe’s largest and most prestigious).

Important findings

The researchers found that sexual offending runs in families:

Men who have a close male relative who has a committed sexual offense is 5 times more likely to offend as the general male population.

Making sense of this new insight

In a recent CNN London video, forensic psychiatrist consultant Rajan Darjee explained that sexual offenders often have all kinds of psychological problems , including problems with emotions, difficulty relating to other people, and abnormalities in terms of what they’re sexually interested in. He went on:

These things are going to be underpinned by their psychology, which is underpinned by their brain function. Genes play a really important role in how the brain develops.”

That isn’t to say that everyone who has a male relative who has committed a sexual crime will go out and do one as well—it’s more about tendencies and potential vulnerabilities. Genetic links may help medical and psychological experts identify children, teens, and adults who are at risk of committing sexual crimes and provide the care and counseling to prevent rape, sexual abuse, and other crimes from occurring.

Focusing on vulnerabilities

Prevention is the goal of the researchers, who indicated that more research is necessary to determine genetic links and how to more effectively prevent sexual offenses.

Dealing with sexual crime?

If sexual crime is or has been a part of your life, either as a victim, perpetrator, or someone who has been falsely accused, you’ll need someone who will give you top-notch legal advice and representation. Chambers Law Firm is an excellent resource for anyone who is dealing with sexual crime—you can schedule a confidential, free consultation right away by calling 714-760-4088 or emailing

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