California’s Elder Abuse Problem

California’s Elder Abuse ProblemDid you know that California has one of the highest rates of elder abuse in the entire nation? According to the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA), there are as many as six million cases of elder abuse in the United States each year, and 11% of those cases occur in California alone.

A gender gap?

This same study by the NCEA found that women were as much as 35% more likely than men to suffer from some form of elder abuse. Or perhaps women are just more likely to report abuse than men are.

Likely variables

There could be many cultural and societal factors at work in elder abuse cases that prevent people from reporting instances of elder abuse. Perhaps a fear of retaliation could also be stopping some victims from coming forward. Some studies have found that as many as 14 out of 15 elder abuses cases go unreported.

What to do about elder abuse

It’s incredibly important to be aware of elder abuse in your community and among your family and friends. It’s becoming quite an epidemic, and the only way to stop it is to be vigilant and proactive in reporting instances of elderly abuse.

False accusations

However, with increased awareness of elder abuse often comes to the increase of false accusations of elder abuse. The government and law enforcement officials can sometimes become oversensitive to elder abuse, and jump to conclusions when no actual elder abuse has occurred.

Elder abuse defense

If you’ve been falsely accused of abusing a relative or other elderly person, the charges against you are very serious. Elderly abuse is often a felony in California, so you definitely need to find the best criminal defense attorney to soundly defend you. Your rights are important no matter what the charges against you may be, and Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm has successfully defended many people who had heavy elder abuse charges being imposed on them.

Step 1

The first step to handily defending yourself against elder abuse charges is to call 714-760-4088, email, or use the chat box below to schedule a free initial case evaluation with Dan Chambers now. You’ll get to meet with him in-person, go over the details of your situation, and receive expert legal advice immediately.

Time is of the essence when you’re dealing with intense elder abuse charges. Don’t wait another minute to get Attorney Chambers on your side!

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