Can I still be arrested for using marijuana?

The marijuana decriminalization movement has made drastic strides in California and many other US states. Many people are now wondering if it’s even possible to get arrested for marijuana use anymore. Are you confused about what’s allowed and not allowed according to California law? No worries—the knowledgeable staff at Chambers Law Firm will be happy to give you all the important info about current California marijuana laws. Just read on!

Medical marijuana laws

Can I still be arrested for using marijuana?California’s medical cannabis laws have set the stage for more widespread legalization to take hold in this state and throughout the nation. In order to qualify for the protections provided by California’s medical cannabis laws such as the Compassionate Use Act (Proposition 215), people must be either qualified patients or primary caregivers. A qualified patient is someone whose doctor recommends and approves their use of medical marijuana. Written documentation is required as proof of the patient’s status, which allows them to use, possess, as well as cultivate cannabis if they choose to do so. Wherever you use marijuana, it’s a good idea to always carry proper documentation that shows you have a legal right to use it medicinally, just in case a law enforcement official questions you.

Simple marijuana possession

If you happen to be caught with marijuana and you don’t have valid proof of your status as a patient or caregiver, you won’t be charged with a crime if the amount in your possession weighs less than 28 grams. You’ll only be issued an infraction violation, which is basically on the same level as a traffic ticket—it’s not a misdemeanor or felony charge.

However, if you possess marijuana with the intention to sell, or if you have more than 28 grams, or if you’re found to be cultivating marijuana for non-medical purposes, you may be in big trouble. These three categorizations of marijuana crimes are very serious, and could even result in prison time if a conviction is issued.

Arrested for marijuana use or possession?

California laws are always shifting and adjusting, so if you’ve been arrested, or if you’re concerned that you might be in the near future, you should get the best criminal defense lawyer in Southern California on your side ASAP—Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm.

Schedule a free initial consultation with him today, and he’ll be glad to answer all your marijuana-related questions. There are so many legal nuances about marijuana laws that may be beneficial to your case—and Dan Chambers is always staying abreast of current developments for California marijuana laws.

The bare-bones answer

In a nutshell, yes, you can still be charged with a crime for using marijuana, but only if it’s more than 28 ounces and you don’t have proof that it’s for medical use. If you try to sell or cultivate it without a legal permit, you may also be charged with a crime according to California law.

Superb defense strategies

Attorney Chambers has many effective defense strategies in his arsenal for all drug-related crimes, including marijuana use, possession, and cultivation. Get Southern California’s best marijuana crimes defense attorney on your side by calling 714-760-4088, emailing, or by using the chat box to schedule a free consultation with him now.

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