Got a homicide charge? You need a serious lawyer for a serious case.

Got a homicide charge? You need a serious lawyer for a serious case.If you’ve been arrested and charged with homicide, then you need to find the best lawyer possible to represent you throughout your case. You don’t want to call just anyone, because depending on the circumstances of your case, you could be in danger of literally losing your life. Life in prison without the possibility is the other potential outcome of a homicide case if a conviction is issued. Find out more helpful information about homicide cases below.

Differences between homicide and murder

You may be wondering, what differentiates a homicide and a murder charge? Many people seem to use these terms interchangeably, but they’re different in important ways. Homicide means any type of killing, whereas murder is a killing with “malice aforethought,” according to California law. “Malice aforethought” doesn’t always refer to specific ill will or hatred towards the victim – instead, a “wanton disregard for human life” that leads to actions that will very likely result in a death can also be considered malice in a court of law. It’s a nuanced distinction, but an important one.

Is all hope lost?

Many people wrongly assume that if they’ve been issued a homicide change, it’s game over, and their case is hopeless. That’s not true at all. Even if the evidence is totally stacked against you, an astute lawyer like Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm may be able to prevent the harshest penalties from being imposed in your case. Perhaps the prosecutor will offer a plea bargain, and you’ll be able to go to prison for many years, but you’ll still have the possibility of parole. There are many favorable outcomes that are possible when you have an excellent lawyer defending you throughout your homicide case.

A serious lawyer for a serious case

When you a homicide charge is imposed against you, you need a serious lawyer for a serious case. Attorney Dan Chambers has worked on many high-profile homicide cases over the years, so you’ll be able to rest assured that your case won’t phase him at all. He’ll work tenaciously to defend you every step of the way throughout your case.

The first step to starting to work with Attorney Chambers is to come in for a free case evaluation and consultation. There, he will go over all the details of your case, answer any questions you may have, and start building a solid defense strategy. Schedule your free first appointment now by calling 714-760-4088, emailing, or by using the chat box below.

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