How Can I Avoid Internet Fraud? The Answer May Surprise You

How Can I Avoid Internet Fraud? The Answer May Surprise YouIn today’s modern society, it’s easy to fall under the assumption that internet fraud is always happening to someone else. If you don’t see it happening right in front of you, and your friends and family member don’t really talk about it, why worry, right?


Internet fraud is one of the world’s fastest growing crimes. From 2005–2009, internet scam complaints rose from 100,000 per year to nearly 300,000 per year, according to an infographic published by

Avoid identity theft by putting on your Investigator hat

When you’re shopping online, it’s easy to get excited about buying a new sweater, laptop, or couch and forget about safety protocols. Take a step back before you click and remember:

Your identity is at stake online. Pay attention!

Make sure you only buy from secure, reputable sellers. Only give out your credit card number when you know you can trust that the source is legitimate. Check the security software the website uses and be cautious about buying from foreign companies because if there is a dispute, it will be much more challenging to rectify. Don’t judge a person or company just based on their flashy website—investigate it, call the phone number listed, and check with the Better Business Bureau from the seller’s area to make sure the company legally exists.

Don’t just bid away on EBay

It seems like you can buy just about anything on auction websites such as EBay these days. It’s amazing—you can find all kinds of rare, unusual items as well as everyday ones and have them shipped right to your front door. But what happens when you’re not so lucky and you’ve been taken for a ride on an internet auction website?

Uh-oh. Talk about a worst-case scenario!

Thankfully there are some no-nonsense ways to prevent internet auction fraud. Review the auction policies before you bid on anything, and figure out what obligations both buyer and seller have. Also investigate what procedures are in place to protect buyers and sellers in case one party doesn’t uphold his or her end of the deal. Insuring the transaction and shipment is always a good idea if there’s a large amount of value involved. If you’re buying, look into the seller—read any previous buyers’ reviews, look them up online to see what other websites they use to promote their business, and contact the Better Business Bureau in the seller’s area to verify their information. Never give out any personal information such as a driver’s license or social security number, and always use a credit card so you can dispute the charge if any problems arise.

To save yourself some stress, investigate and guard

It’s pretty simple, actually, but a lot of people fall prey to internet crime each day. But by doing a little digging into certain individual’s and company’s backgrounds before making any transactions, and by cautiously guarding your personal information at all times, you can save yourself lots of future headaches.

If you’ve become a victim of internet fraud, contact Chambers Law Firm right away for the legal counsel and representation you need. Come in to discuss your situation for free—just set up an appointment by calling 714-760-4088.

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