How to Prepare for a Criminal Trial

If your case is about to go to trial, it’s absolutely imperative that you follow this advice. It will make your life so much easier as you go through this rather stressful process, and increase the likelihood of achieving an ideal outcome.

#1 Most Important, Don’t Even Consider Skipping It Task

How to Prepare for a Criminal TrialThe best way to prepare for your criminal trial is to make sure you hire an excellent attorney to represent you and provide you with expert legal advice. It’s a good idea to choose an attorney who specializes in the area of law your case pertains to, so he or she will know exactly how to prepare a sound defense for you.

Even if you’ve already hired an attorney, if you don’t feel like he or she is fulfilling your expectations, you can always decide to hire a new one.

Southern California’s top criminal defense lawyer is Dan Chambers. His specialties are:

  • DUI
  • Domestic violence
  • Drug crimes
  • Theft
  • Proposition 47
  • Assault and Battery

He also has spent many years successfully working on cases involving dozens of other crimes, so if you need a Southern California who has lots of experience, an intense work ethic, and a respect for all his clients, schedule a free in-person consultation with him today. Call 714-760-4088 or email to get personalized advice from Attorney Chambers. He’ll start preparing your defense right away, so call as soon as you possibly can.

Talk it out as much as you can—but only with your attorney

Make sure Attorney Chambers knows as much as possible about your criminal history, your relationship to anyone else involved in the case, as well as all other facts of the case, even if they don’t weigh favorably on you. It’s imperative that Attorney Chambers has as much information as possible about you and your case, so he is prepared to aptly defend you at all times during trial.

However, don’t get chatty with anyone else. Speaking with witnesses, friends, and family members about the case can be incredibly detrimental to the outcome of your case. Stories can get passed around and actually change as the iterations mount. And you definitely don’t want to risk getting accused of tampering with witnesses. Avoid speaking with the press and law enforcement without your attorney’s presence. Reporters sometimes misinterpret your words and give them meaning that is far beyond what you intended. You have the right to decline to speak with the press.

Listen to your attorney’s instructions

There are other matters that you’ll need to take care of in preparation for your trial, depending on your situation. For example, you might need to decide whether to make some pretrial motions, accept or decline a plea bargain, or testify in your trial. Attorney Chambers will thoroughly discuss your options with you and help you decide the best choices for you. Follow his advice because he has decades of experience dealing with cases that closely relate to yours. He knows the nuances of the California court system and will always guide you wisely. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t be afraid to ask—there’s nothing Attorney Chambers hasn’t heard before, and he’ll be happy to help you out anytime.

To get started today, schedule a free initial consultation by calling 714-760-4088, emailing, or using the chat box at the bottom right of this page. You’ll be in good hands with California’s top criminal defense attorney, Dan Chambers.

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