What You Should Know if You’re Being Charged with Elder Abuse in Los Angeles, California

In 2011 and 2012, there were 60 elder abuse criminal filings in California by Operation Guardians team, which “identifies instances of abuse or neglect for further investigation and possible criminal or civil prosecution by the Bureau of Medi-Cal Fraud and Elder Abuse. (http://oag.ca.gov/bmfea/elder) ” Will you be part of the statistic for 2013/2014 or beyond?

What You Should Know if You’re Being Charged with Elder Abuse in Los Angeles, CaliforniaThere’s a lot you should be aware of if you’re being charged with elder abuse in Los Angeles, but the number one thing you should keep in mind is that this is a very serious charge, and as such you need to be represented by an attorney that’s not only qualified, but also a very experienced expert with elder abuse cases who will work hard to prove your innocence or procure you the lightest possible sentence. That attorney is Dan Chambers of the Chambers Firm.

If you come in for a free consultation, your unique case will be thoroughly reviewed and all of your options will be clearly presented to you. No stone will go unturned as your case is evaluated to ensure that your defense will be executed without a hitch.

Have you been contacted by the APS? The APS is Adult Protective Services, which is similar to Child Protective Services. It’s a government agency that works with local law enforcement agencies to investigate allegations of elder abuse. It’s the APS’ prerogative to refuse to tell you who reported you to them.

Have you been charged with a misdemeanor or a felony? The differences in sentences vary widely depending on whether the charge is a misdemeanor or felony. In California, the maximum misdemeanor elder abuse charge is one year in the county jail. However, if the charge is being filed as a felony, your sentence could be from 4-11 years in a state prison or county jail. Depending on various aggravating factors in the case, the sentence will be lighter or heavier.

Being charged with elder abuse could cost you your freedom—instead, make sure you have an excellent attorney on the case. Dan Chambers will work hard to defend you. You can count on him if you’re being charged with elder abuse in Los Angeles, California.

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