Learn What to Expect if You Are Facing Armed Robbery Charges in California

Learn What to Expect if You Are Facing Armed Robbery Charges in California

Because it involves violence or the threat of violence, robbery is one of the most serious larceny offenses in California. According to California law, robberies are all felonies, but when a gun is used, the stakes are significantly higher.

Robbery is often classified as either first-degree (punishable by up to 9 years in jail) or second-degree (punishable by up to 5 years in prison), but if a firearm is used, you will be sentenced to even longer prison time. Read on to learn more and then contact Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 to request a free legal consultation.

The 10-20-life rule

According to California’s “10-20-life” statute (“Use a gun and you’re done”), your jail term will be lengthened if you use a gun to commit certain crimes. Ten years for ‘using’ a weapon, 20 years for “disposing” of a weapon, and 25 years to life for causing serious physical harm or fatality.

Robbery is a particularly serious felony in California under the 10-20-life rule. Get a top armed robbery defense attorney like Dan E. Chambers who has the experience and is prepared to put up the best fight for your case instead of taking a chance with just any attorney.

The struggle for your protection

The language of the law is quite complex and technical, and there are many different kinds of stealing offenses. Every component of a crime must be proven to have actually occurred in your case by the prosecutor.

For instance, in order for a crime to genuinely have been a robbery, the victim’s personal property had to be seized by the defendant while the victim was actually present. The property must have been stolen by the defendant with force or fear against the victim’s will. An experienced theft defense attorney can have the charges lowered or even dropped entirely if some or all of the elements are missing, or if something seems questionable.

You deserve a fair trial

A competent criminal defense attorney will also ensure that the police and the prosecution treated the evidence in your case fairly. Dan E. Chambers will fight to have any evidence that was gathered through unlawful searches and seizures or during a conversation before you were given your Miranda warning excluded from use in court.

You might be able to refute evidence by putting forth expert witnesses in support of your case. An expert is frequently employed to refute the evidence against you, for example, when eyewitness testimony isn’t as reliable as it first appears to be.

Firearm charge defenses

Your criminal defense attorney could be able to establish that the weapon did not belong to you or that it was put in your bags, house, or car without your knowledge in situations involving guns. Additionally, if the gun was found during an unauthorized search, it cannot be used in court.

Set up a meeting right away to fight for your future

Call Chambers Law Firm right away to arrange a free consultation if you want the best defense attorney available to represent you.

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