Who Needs an Elder Abuse Attorney in Orange County CA

Relatives, caretakers, and even perfect strangers may need an elder abuse attorney in Orange County CA.

Elder AbuseElder abuse and domestic abuse have many things in common, and indeed in some cases elder abuse can also be domestic abuse. However, unlike in domestic abuse cases, in an elder abuse case there is no need for the victim and the perpetrator to be bound together by any kind of relationship in order for abuse to occur. While many elder abuse cases do involve family members and caretakers, one recent case from Orange County shows that elder abuse can also occur between perfect strangers.

On Friday, June 6, Ibrahim Yousef Battat was sharing a hospital room with an elderly man in Fountain Valley Regional Medical Center. For reasons as yet unknown, Battat got up at around 3:40 in the morning and attempted to murder his roommate. According to prosecutors he covered the man’s nose and mouth with his hands in an attempt to smother him, and also punched him repeatedly. The victim suffered major cuts to the head and hands as well as a broken finger and a swollen eye.

After being restrained by nurses and another patient, Battat was arrested and is currently being charged with one count of attempted murder and one count of elder abuse. He may face up to 10 years in prison and would certainly be an example of someone who will need an elder abuse attorney in Orange County like Dan E. Chambers who is also skilled in murder and attempted murder defense.

In this case, the addition of the elder abuse charge is meant to show our society’s dedication to protecting vulnerable members of our population. A conviction for elder abuse will bring stiffer penalties than a conviction for the underlying crime alone, whether it be theft, assault, identity theft, etc.

Anyone who commits a crime resulting in the neglect, exploitation, or otherwise “painful or harmful” mistreatment of an individual aged 65 or over can face charges for elder abuse. This often includes:

  • Family members
  • Hospital nurses & orderlies
  • Nursing home staff
  • Financial advisers

Unfortunately, sometimes individuals are falsely accused of elder abuse. In such cases it is especially important to have an experienced elder abuse attorney in Orange County on your side to help disprove the claims against you. An experienced attorney will have the connections required to secure expert testimony as to the alleged victim’s mental soundness and/or the nature of their injuries to help prove reasonable doubt as to whether the abuse really occurred at all.

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