On Prescription Medication and Got Arrested for DUI?

On Prescription Medication and Got Arrested for DUI?California’s DUI laws are some of the harshest in the entire U.S., and when it comes to a prescription medication DUI, the law can still be pretty merciless. Perhaps you have a preexisting condition and you had no idea that you shouldn’t be operating a motor vehicle while taking this medication. Perhaps you just started taking a certain prescription medication, and you weren’t aware of its side effects that impact your ability to drive safely. Or perhaps the police officer who stopped you misinterpreted your normal behavior and performance on the field sobriety test as signs of intoxication.

DUI conviction considerations

There are many reasonable explanations in the cases of prescription medicine DUIs, however, the California criminal court system focuses on 2 main areas of concern when determining whether a DUI conviction is warranted:

  • Were you driving while intoxicated, either as a result of alcohol, drugs, or prescription or nonprescription medication?
  • Did the arresting officer have enough probable cause to arrest you, and follow all of the proper procedures during your roadside evaluation and subsequent arrest?

Preventing a conviction and/or harsh penalties

Determining the answers to these questions will be the primary concern of the judge or jury who will hear your case, so you need a prescription drugs DUI attorney who knows how to present the facts in a way that points to your innocence. Or at least if innocence isn’t true in your case, perhaps your attorney can convince the judge that you don’t deserve the harshest possible penalties.

Important thoughts on 1st or subsequent DUI charges

There are many favorable outcomes in prescription medicine DUI cases, particularly if this is the first time you’ve been charged with DUI. If this is your second of subsequent DUI charge, it may be more difficult to persuade the judge to be lenient, but it can be done, particularly if the defendant never intended to operate a vehicle while being impaired by the prescription drugs.

A prescription medicine DUI charge doesn’t mean it’s “game over”

As you can see, prescription DUI cases have many legal nuances, and there are many variables according to the factors and evidence that are present in each specific case. Your best course of action after being arrested for a prescription medicine DUI is to contact a lawyer who specializes in DUI defense.

Southern California’s Top DUI defense Lawyer, Dan Chambers

Attorney Dan Chambers has specialized in DUI defense for prescription medication and other types of cases for over 33 years. He knows California DUI laws inside and out, and as a former prosecutor, he knows exactly how DUI prosecutors think, so he can often outmaneuver them to achieve favorable outcomes in prescription medicine cases.

All prospective clients are welcome to meet with Attorney Dan Chambers for a free initial case evaluation. There, Attorney Chambers will begin going over the facts of your case and preparing a solid defense strategy. You may discuss your case with him and ask any questions you may have in perfect confidence. If you decide to hire Attorney Chambers to defend you throughout your prescription medicine DUI case, he will tenaciously fight for your rights and best interests at every step.

Contact the Chambers Law Firm now to schedule your first free appointment by—

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