Orange County Crime Lab Begins Using new AlcoSensor VXL: What this Means for Your DUI case

Orange County Crime Lab Begins Using new AlcoSensor VXL: What this Means for Your DUI caseThe OCCL, also known as the Orange County Crime Lab, recently began the process of implementing the new AlcoSensor VXL@Point of Arrest, which is also known simply as VXL. Until now, the IV-XL breath instrument was used to determine breath alcohol levels by police officers who pull over people on suspicion of DUI in Orange County.  The IV-XL device had been used in Orange County for over 10 years. Both old and new devices are manufactured by a company called Intoximeters, which is based in St. Louis, Missouri.

Comparing the VXL and the IV-XL devices

The new VXL relies on the same fuel cell technology and has all the same features as the IV-XL. In a recent public demonstration of the VXL device by the Orange County Crime Lab, it appears that the devices are very similar. As a result, the VXL will be prone to most, if not all, of the same attacks  launched against its IV-XL predecessor.

The VXL and your DUI case

If you’re pulled over on suspicion of DUI in Orange County anytime in the near future, you can expect the police officer who speaks with you to have one of these VXL devices in his or her car for the purpose of testing breath alcohol levels.

However, if you’re over 18 and not currently on probation, California law does not require you to submit to a breath or blood test before your arrest. Many people don’t know about this, and just amble on through, fulfilling all the police officer’s requests without questioning anything. But if you could incriminate yourself—or even worse, if you’re not actually intoxicated and the device falsely indicates that you are—you could end up having to deal with serious consequences.

Don’t risk it! Politely decline to answer any of the police officer’s questions that might incriminate you, and refuse to submit to any blood or breath tests before you are arrested. Don’t give the police officer the opportunity to build evidence against you—or you’ll be practically putting the handcuffs on yourself!

Breath and blood testing technology isn’t perfect

Devices like the VXL and IV-XL aren’t foolproof. They malfunction on occasion, especially when used improperly. Sometimes police officers aren’t given the necessary training to use them effectively, and end up charging tons of people with DUI who weren’t even close to being inebriated. It’s a real shame.

Charged with DUI? Act now

If you’re charged with DUI in the future, or if you’ve already been slapped with a DUI charge, make sure you get Southern California’s best DUI specialist on your case—attorney Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm. You can schedule a free in-person consultation with him right now by calling 714-760-4088, emailing, or by using the chat box below.

Hurry—your future may be at stake!

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