Penalties for Manufacturing Drugs in California

Penalties for Manufacturing Drugs in CaliforniaCalifornia imposes stiff penalties for manufacturing drugs. If you’re facing a charge for manufacturing drugs, it’s important to know exactly what you’re up against and what punishment you may receive if you are convicted. Whether you’ve been accused of cooking meth, making marijuana into hashish or hash oil, or of making any other controlled substances, here’s what you need to know about California penalties for drug manufacturing.

Which law relates to drug manufacturing?

The California law that applies to the manufacture of controlled substances is Health and Safety Code 11379.6 HS. This law stipulates that this crime is a felony that’s punishable by three, five, or seven years in the county jail, and a maximum fine of $50,000.

Prison time penalties and aggravating factors

Even simply offering to make drugs is a felony—punishable by three, four, or five years in county jail.

In addition, if children under the age of 16 live in, are present in, or are harmed in the location where the drugs are made, an additional consecutive 5-year prison term will be imposed upon conviction.

Even longer sentences may be imposed if the drug contains PCP, methamphetamines, or GHB. If, in the course of making the drugs, someone is injured or killed, the prison sentence will also be extended.

It gets worse…

In addition, if your drug manufacturing activities caused other related offenses, you could also expect your prison sentence to be extended. For example, if you allowed the drug to be manufactured in your home, that could lead to more severe penalties.

Even worse…

If this is your first drug-related charge, that’s probably all you have to worry about in terms of California law. But if you have prior drug related convictions, your sentence could be extended even further.

What about fines?

The fines you might be hit with vary according to whether various factors apply to the individual case. There isn’t a set amount that may be imposed based on certain circumstances. The maximum potential fine is $50,000.

Possible defense strategies

There are many effective defense strategies that may be applied to drug manufacturing cases. Criminal defense attorney Dan Chambers will analyze which strategy is right for your case if you schedule a free, in-person consultation with him.

For example, he might be able to prove that you were simply at the wrong place at the wrong time, and had nothing to do with the crime being committed where you were arrested.

Another often-effective strategy is to explain that the police who entered the building where the drug manufacture was taking place illegally searched and seized it. All evidence they found will be inadmissible in court if they entered the building in an illegal manner, so the charges against you will have to be dropped.

Perhaps you just intended to make drugs, but you hadn’t done anything yet. Maybe you were stopped for speeding in your car and the police discovered equipment used to make meth in your car. The officer arrested you for manufacturing drugs but you hadn’t actually even done anything yet. They can’t convict you for a crime you only intended to do.

Another wise legal strategy that might be implemented in your case by Attorney Chambers is to show that the accusations against you are completely false. Perhaps the police or private informant used to provide information to the police to aid in obtaining a warrant lied about your involvement in the drug manufacturing. Perhaps an eyewitness pointed you out and said you did it, but you had nothing to do with the crime.

Contact Drug Manufacturing Defense Attorney Dan Chambers Now

It’s obvious by now that if you’re facing a drug manufacturing charge, you should do everything in your power to either show that you are innocent or if you are convicted, acquire the lightest penalties possible. You can only do that if you have an excellent lawyer to give you legal advice and representation along the way.

Attorney Dan Chambers specializes in drug crime criminal defense, including drug manufacturing charges. He has worked on hundreds of drug crimes cases over the years, so he knows exactly how to craft an airtight criminal defense strategy.

Schedule a free case evaluation and meet with him in-person to ask all your questions and get flawless legal advice right away. He has many defense strategies in his arsenal, and depending on the facts of your case, he will apply one or more to achieve his goal of achieving the most favorable outcome in your case.

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