Post Bail Fast With Help from a Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney

Posting bail fast saves you or your loved one from time in jail after an arrest

Post Bail Fast With Help from a Los Angeles Criminal Defense AttorneyNo one wants to spend one minute longer than they absolutely have to in jail following an arrest. Fortunately, the county doesn’t really want you there either. That’s why the law provides for bail to be posted. Bail serves as a sort of insurance for the court against the chance that you might decide to skip out on your future court appearances. In most cases, if you can successfully post bail, the judge will release you on your own recognizance and save you from unnecessarily spending time in jail waiting for a hearing or trial for a crime you may not have even committed. Your Los Angeles criminal defense attorney can help you through this process.

How is Bail Determined?

The amount of bail that you will be required to post in any given case will be determined by a judge based on your criminal history, your flight risk, and the facts of your specific case. The judge will use the county’s bail schedule as a guideline, but they will also have a lot of leeway in deviating from the amounts that the bail schedule specifies for various types of crimes.

What are the Options for Posting Bail?

You may post your bail in cash, through a bail bond, or through a property bond. Bail bonds are the most common way to post bail. You can typically secure a bail bond in as little as 20 minutes. However, it may take 30 minutes to 4 hours to actually get released from custody. To obtain a bail bond, you will have to pay a non-refundable premium of no more than 10 percent of your bail amount. The bail bondsman will pay the rest for you. You may also be required to put up collateral if your bail is over $100,000.

What if the Defendant Fails to Appear in Court?

If you or your loved one fails to appear in court, the bail will be considered forfeit. Cash bail will be confiscated by the court, and if you paid with a bail bond, the bail bondsman will likely seek reimbursement from you and/or any cosigner on your bond. Additionally, a warrant will be issued for your arrest. If you appear in court within 180 days and explain that you had “good cause” for failing to appear at your initial court date, the bail may be returned. “Good cause” includes proof of disability, severe illness, insanity, or being held in custody in another jurisdiction.

What Happens to Bail After the Case is Concluded?

Once your case is concluded, your bail will typically be released. The exception is if you posted cash bail and are being required to pay a fine or restitution as part of your sentence. In this case your bail will be directed towards those penalties.

How Your Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help

A Los Angeles criminal defense attorney can help you select a quality bail bondsman and even get you a discount in some cases. Dan E. Chambers works with two reputable bail bonds companies, both of which have been in business for over 40 years. Because Dan and the bail bondsmen are available 24 hours a day, they can help you post bail fast after an arrest.

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