Ransomware: The New Hacking Trick that’s Causing Major Headaches for Small Business Owners

Everyone has heard about kidnappings and criminals demanding random notes on TV shows and movies, but did you know that it’s becoming a huge problem online?

The new hacking scheme that’s targeting small businesses

RansomwareRansomware is malicious code that pops up on people’s computers, locking away important files with complex encryption codes until a ransom amount is paid. Ransom amounts are often set a few hundred dollars, and many people ruefully pay it so they can get back to work quickly.

Current ransomware has been found to be able to target more than 230 different types of computer files, according to a Cupertino, CA based information-security firm called Bromium Inc. indicated.

It’s a growing problem throughout the US

This Yahoo Finance article reported that the Internet Crime Complaint Center, which is run by the FBI and the nonprofit organization National White Collar Crime Center, said business and individuals have submitted 2,275 complaints about ransomware from June 1, 2014 to March 31 of this year. Reported losses during that period total more than $1.1 million.

Small businesses can be particularly vulnerable to ransomware because they often have less sophisticated software to defend their computers against attacks. As with most phishing schemes and viruses, the ransomware enters the computer via an email, and it’s become increasingly easy for criminals to disguise emails so they look like they come from reputable sources.

There’s not much police can do about it

When cybercriminals demand ransom payments, they usually prefer to receive the funds via Bitcoin, so it’s almost impossible to track where the payment is actually going. Sending payments via Bitcoin also makes it very difficult for law enforcement agencies to track down and prosecute criminals.

What small business owners should do to prevent attacks

If you’re a small businesses owner, it’s essential that you protect your company’s computers as much as possible. Don’t skip on security software, and always hire the most knowledgeable IT employees possible. And advice your employees to always be cautious about opening emails and attachments, even if they look like they come from trustworthy sources.

If you’ve been a victim, get the legal help you need today

Contact Chambers Law Firm for a free consultation if you’ve been affected by ransomware or any other internet crime. Your business deserves to be protected from cybercriminals of every kind, especially if ransomware interferes with the success of your company.

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