Facing drug charges? Call an expert drug defense attorney in Rancho Bernardo CA now.
A conviction for a drug crime will have a big impact on your future, even if you never spend a day in jail. Don’t give up without a fight! Instead, seek help from an experienced drug defense attorney in Rancho Bernardo CA like Chambers Law Firm.
No matter what specific type of drug charge you may face, Dan has the skills and knowledge to help. He handles:
- Possession
- Under the Influence
- Possession for Sale
- Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
- Drug Trafficking
- DUI of Drugs
- Prescription Fraud
- Medical Marijuana Violations
Now you may wonder…
…what if I was caught in the act? Can a drug defense attorney in Rancho Bernardo CA help me?
Yes. Even if it seems like police and prosecutors have you cornered, the truth is that police often make mistakes during drug busts. Dan will find out if your case involves any of the following types of police misconduct:
- Ignoring search and seizure rules
- Using entrapment to catch offenders in the act
- Relying on bogus informants
- Fudging warrants
- Coercing confessions
- Arresting people even if the full legal definition of “possession” is not met
Dan will file the necessary motions to have illegal evidence excluded so that you do not get unfairly convicted or punished.
Other Options for Resolving Your Case
Depending on the strength of the evidence that your drug defense attorney in Rancho Bernardo CA is able to turn up, you may or may not want to take your chances in court. Dan E. Chambers will explore all options for a fast and favorable resolution to your case, including:
- Getting charges dropped
- Getting charges reduced
- Seeking a pre-plea deal in drug diversion court
- Seeking a plea deal with the prosecution
- Seeking a not guilty verdict at trial
You can rely on Dan E. Chambers to explain these options to you fully and help you weigh the pros and cons of each course of action.
Why Choose Dan as your Drug Defense Attorney in Rancho Bernardo CA
Dan E. Chambers has worked on both sides of drug cases, as a prosecutor and as a drug defense attorney in Rancho Bernardo CA. This gives him a unique insight into how prosecutors build cases and how he can tear them down. Dan will pursue every available avenue to build a strong defense for you. He is especially skilled in the analysis of highly technical evidence, such as the results of drug testing in DUI of drugs cases.
While other attorneys are often hard to reach, with Dan as your drug defense attorney in Rancho Bernardo CA you can rest assured you’ll have a caring legal professional at your disposal 24/7.
Get Advice About Your Case Now
Call Dan E. Chambers at 714-760-4088 now to set up a free initial consultation and learn more about how this expert drug defense attorney in Rancho Bernardo CA can help you secure the best possible outcome to your case.