Should I accept a DUI Plea Bargain?

Should I accept a DUI Plea Bargain?Attorney Dan Chamber’s is a top Southern California attorney who specializes in DUI cases. He has successfully represented clients in thousands of DUI cases over his multi-decade career, so it’s safe to say that his DUI advice is always reliable.

One question we hear a lot here at the Chambers Law Firm is:

Should I accept a DUI plea bargain?

There’s no easy way to answer this question without knowing the specific facts of your case. The best course of action you can take is coming to speak with Attorney Chambers about your situation. As a prospective client, you are entitled to a free consultation with Attorney Chambers. Request one now by calling 714-760-4088, emailing, or by using the chat box at the bottom right of this page.

But before your appointment, we at the Chamber Law Firm heartily recommend that you familiarize yourself with some basic vocabulary about DUIs and the procedures that accompany these common charges. Here’s some general information that’s helpful to anyone who’s been charged with a DUI in California:

What is a plea bargain?

While this phrase gets tossed around legal TV shows a lot, many of us have no idea what a plea bargain is—and that’s okay. A plea bargain is an agreement made between the prosecution (the entity that has charged you with DUI) and the defense (you and Attorney Chambers). If a plea bargain is accepted, the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for the prosecutor dropping a more serious charge. If a defendant has overwhelming evidence against him or her, accepting a plea bargain may be the ideal course of action in the DUI case.

Examples of DUI plea bargains

The plea bargains prosecutors offer vary widely from case to case, but in case you’re curious about what kinds of plea bargains might be offered to you, here are some common plea bargains.

  • The defendant pleads guilty to the offense of reckless driving, not DUI.
  • The defendant pleads guilty to DUI but is able to avoid jail time, stiff fines, or other penalties.
  • The defendant pleads guilty to a traffic infraction instead of DUI. This is one of the most ideal plea bargains in many cases because the defendant escapes criminal charges and having a permanent criminal record.
  • Sometimes prosecutors even offer to reduce a felony DUI charge to a misdemeanor.
  • There are many other plea bargain possibilities as well.

Get your specific questions answered now

Again, it’s impossible to project what plea bargain might be offered to you, and whether accepting it would be beneficial, without knowing the facts of your case. The only way to know for sure which way to proceed is by speaking with Attorney Dan Chambers. Contact the Chambers Law Firm now to schedule your appointment. Call 714-760-4088, email, or use the chat box below.

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