Take DUI Charges Seriously

DUI charges are time-sensitive and more complicated than more people think.

There seems to be somewhat of an attitude among the general public that DUI charges are a sort of low-level offense that doesn’t really need to be taken seriously. The reality is, a DUI is a very serious charge indeed and deserves the attention of a specialized attorney. Here’s why you need to hire a skilled DUI defense attorney like Dan E. Chambers to help you.

You Only Have 10 Days to Save Your License

Many people do not understand that a DUI case actually has two components, the criminal component which must be resolved in the criminal court system and the administrative component which is handled by the DMV. If you do not request an administrative hearing with the DMV within 10 days of your DUI, they will automatically proceed with the administrative suspension of your license. In order to avoid this, you need to hire a DUI attorney to help you. Your attorney can not only handle the hearing request process, but also create an argument to present at that hearing that may result in you getting to keep your license. Attending the hearing will also be helpful to the criminal aspect of the case as your attorney will have an opportunity to hear evidence from the police which the prosecution will also present in your criminal case.

DUI Cases Can Be Highly Technical

There is also a misconception about the complexity of DUI cases. These cases are far from cut and dry. Even if the arresting officer seems to have collected strong evidence against you, a skilled attorney may be able to undermine or even disprove this evidence.

For example, there are actually valid scientific reasons why a breath or blood test may result in a false positive for excessive BAC. These reasons may have to do with your own medical conditions or with procedural errors in the administration of the tests. By hiring an experienced DUI attorney, you can make sure these possibilities are explored.

Your DUI defense attorney can also help undermine the validity of any field sobriety tests you may have taken. These tests are notoriously unscientific and unreliable and there are many extenuating circumstances that can invalidate their results.

Remember, you do not have to accept a DUI charge as “routine” or inevitable. You can fight back with help from a DUI attorney, but you need to act quickly. Contact Chambers Law Firm now for help.

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