The Courtroom Gets Emotional

The Courtroom Gets EmotionalIf you’ve been charged with a crime and you’re expecting to go to trial, it’s important to be prepared. A courtroom can be an intensely emotional place during a criminal trial because there is often so much at stake. The defendant’s freedom, financial security, and reputation—even his life—could be at stake, so emotions can run extremely high during criminal trials.

Judges’ imperative to strive to be unemotional

For hundreds of years, basically since the United States’ founding of its criminal justice system, judges have been emblematic of the most stoic members of the courtroom. They are charged with imparting justice as faithfully and honestly as possible, without letting personal judgment or bias hinder their rulings.

But judges are human, too, and it’s not always possible to hide one’s emotions in intense criminal trials, particularly in the cases of homicides, gang crimes, or any other case that particularly hits home for a certain judge because of his or her background.

Jury emotions’ often run high

Jurors are also charged with the duty to decide verdicts in criminal cases without letting personal opinions or biases to sway them. Likewise, though, each member of a jury is human, so each one is naturally an emotional being. No matter how hard he or she tries to stick with “just the facts” in a criminal case, intuition is almost always a factor in jury verdicts.

Criminal defense attorney emotions

The nation’s best criminal defense attorneys, such as Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm, expertly employ emotions to appeal to the humanity of judges and jurors alike, imploring them to be lenient for their clients’ sake. Appealing to the judges’ and jurors’ sense of compassion is a great tool when working to achieve the lightest sentence possible for defendants.

Dan Chambers always strives to achieve the ideal outcome in all of his clients’ criminal cases. He will use every legal strategy possible to serve his clients and defend them soundly in the courtroom.

If you have a pending criminal case, it’s imperative that you contact a criminal defense attorney to represent you and give you provide you with legal counsel throughout your case. Why not hire a Southern California criminal defense attorney who has been rated one of the top 1% best attorneys in the entire US?

Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm is a criminal defense lawyer with decades of experience serving clients for both felony and misdemeanor cases, both high-profile and standard ones. Get him on your side and breathe a sigh of relief because he will do everything in his power to defend you properly and acquire the lightest possible sentence.

Schedule your free initial consultation today by calling 714-760-4088, emailing, or by using the chat box at the bottom of this page.

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