The Science of Alcohol and How the Body Metabolizes it

The Science of Alcohol and How the Body Metabolizes itHave you ever wondered about how drinking alcohol affects the body? How does the body absorb it, and why does it seem like certain people are more susceptible to alcohol’s effects than others? The following information is an introduction to information about the science of alcohol and how the body metabolizes it. We hope you find it helpful!

The point of contact

When alcohol is ingested into the body, it makes contact with the mouth, throat, and esophagus before passing into the stomach. About 20% of it is absorbed almost immediately into the blood stream, where it is carried to various parts of the body, including the brain (this explains the high some people experience after consuming alcohol). Absorption can be delayed if there is food in the stomach.

The liver’s job

For the most part, the body sends alcohol to the liver to detoxify it. The liver uses various enzymes to metabolize about 1/3 of an ounce of alcohol (8-10 grams) per hour in a healthy adult. That’s less than one drink per hour to fully be cleaned out of the body, since typical alcoholic drinks have about ½ an ounce of alcohol. Some people’s livers work faster or slower than others according to genetics, body type, and other factors. Any alcohol that isn’t absorbed by the liver right away contributes to a feeling of being drunk.

Getting drunk

The liver can’t metabolize alcohol much faster than that, so if someone drinks alcohol quickly, the excess alcohol is released in the urine, blood, and if necessary, vomiting is induced by the body. That’s why if someone has been drinking too much, their levels can be measured by urine and blood tests.

Managing alcohol consumption

Now that you know the basics about the science of alcohol and how it metabolizes in the body, you can make educated decisions about consuming it. Of course, you’re probably not going to stop drinking alcohol entirely, but it’s important that you manage your drinking habits before they manage you.

Worried about a DUI?

And if you do happen to drink a bit too much and get charged with a DUI, make sure you avoid getting a permanent mark on your record by contacting Southern California’s top DUI lawyer, Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm. All prospective clients are entitled to meet with Attorney Chambers for a free consultation. Schedule yours now by calling 714-760-4088, emailing, or by using the chat box below.

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