This Weekend: Largest Mass Federal Prison Release in U.S. History

This Weekend: Largest Mass Federal Prison Release in U.S. History All of those who are being released have been convicted of drug-related crimes, some of which happened decades ago. Resentencing guidelines for drug crime offenses were successfully revised by the U.S. Sentencing Commission last year, and are now finally being put into effect.

Thousands of prisoners are being freed

Over 6,000 federal inmates will be released during this 3 day period, according to a NowThis media video published by the Huffington Post, and this article by NBC News. Most inmates who applied for retroactive sentencing after the Commission changed the guidelines will see their sentences reduced by about 23 months (almost 2 whole years!). As a result, the new average sentence for drug offenders at the federal level has decreased from 131 months (about 11 years) to 108 months (9 years).

National criminal justice system reform

This mass release is a welcome development for many who advocate the lightening of punishments for non-violent crimes. Prisons all across the U.S. and in California in particular are tremendously overcrowded and underfunded, and finally, American voters and policymakers are taking active strides to correct the problems in our criminal justice system. Sending these federal prisoners back home to their families is one important step in the right direction, but there are many more that need to be made to lower exorbitant incarceration rates in this country.

California and sentencing reform

Proposition 47, which passed California voters last year, was another step in the right direction to lessen harsh sentencing practices that were put into place in the 1980s and 90s. Sending people to jail for their entire lives—or most of their lives—hasn’t been found to be an effective way to reduce crime rates. Perhaps emphasizing and funding rehabilitation measures will be found to be more effective—only time will tell.

Pure bliss

One thing is for sure—these 6,000 inmates are probably counting down the minutes until they can go back home to their families. Can you imagine the joy each one will feel when they bite into their first cheeseburger outside of prison?

What to do if you have a pending criminal case

As a side note, if you have a criminal case that’s currently pending at the state or federal level, and prison time hangs in the balance, do everything you can to avoid having to be incarcerated. Thankfully sentences are getting lighter because of many new policy initiatives, but there are still some incredibly harsh sentences on the books in California and in federal courts. Keep yourself out of prison by hiring Southern California’s best criminal defense attorney—Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm—to represent you. He has the passion and knowledge to defend you soundly, and he’ll do all he can to keep you out of prison. Call 714-760-4088, email, or use the chat box below to schedule your free consultation immediately.

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