Thousands Find Sentencing Relief Under Prop 47

Hiring a Prop 47 lawyer can help you reduce your sentence.

Thousands Find Sentencing Relief Under Prop 47On November 5, 2014, a new law went into effect that has the potential to change the lives of many non-violent, low-level theft and drug offenders by taking felony charges and felony penalties off the table. Now, 4 months later, we are seeing that many individuals have successfully taken advantage of the sentencing relief offered by Prop 47, and many more are still eagerly awaiting their chance.

In San Bernardino County alone, 8,300 individuals on felony probation have been deemed eligible for Prop 47 sentencing relief, and 1,700 have already had their probation reduced to misdemeanor probation. Representatives from the county say that 50 to 60 percent of Prop 47 petitions related to probation are being granted. Petitions from incarcerated individuals are also pouring in and being heard as quickly as possible.

Prop 47 is also helping individuals who have not yet been convicted. For example, in San Bernardino County, 1,775 defendants with pending criminal cases initiated before November 5, 2014 have now had the felony charges in their cases dropped to misdemeanor charges.

What Other Benefits Does Prop 47 Offer?

Getting out of jail sooner or ending probation earlier is just the beginning of the benefits offered by Prop 47. In fact, some supporters of the law might argue that the reduction in charges and penalties isn’t even the most important benefit. Considering that a big part of the purpose of Prop 47 is to make it easier for convicted individuals to reintegrate into society, the removal of a felony from an individual’s permanent record is an extremely important benefit of the law.

While having a felony conviction on your permanent record can be a serious obstacle to passing an employer background check, finding housing, obtaining certain professional licenses, and qualifying for federal student loans, a misdemeanor conviction is much easier to overcome.

Do You Need a Prop 47 Lawyer?

Some judges have reported that their ability to rule on Prop 47 cases brought before them is impaired by the fact that the full records on the individuals making the petition are not always immediately available. By hiring an attorney to prepare your Prop 47 petition, you can avoid giving the judge this problem. Your prop 47 lawyer will do everything they can to ensure your petition is complete and convincing to give you the best possible chance of securing a sentencing reduction.

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