Took some cold medicine and got slapped with a DUI charge? – Chambers Law Firm

Took some cold medicine and got slapped with a DUI charge?It’s actually a relatively common scenario – you’re pulled over by a police officer, you hand over your driver’s license and registration, and you notice the officer is look at you funny. You’ve been running around town, feeling horrible for days, as you battle a cold and meet your work and family obligations. What are you supposed to do? You can’t take a few days off – everyone is counting on you. So you take some cold medicine, have some herbal tea, and hope your cold goes away soon. That’s just how it’s done.

But when the police officer is staring at you and starts asking questions, you feel a little panicky. You definitely haven’t been drinking or taking drugs, so why is he or she looking at you like that? You haven’t done anything wrong – you’re just trying to get through the day.

The officer asks you to get out of the car to perform a few tests right there by the side of the road. It’s so humiliating! You can barely even hear the officer’s instructions as the traffic whizzes by, your headache pounds even louder, and your nose continues to drip incessantly.

Then – oh my God! – the officer says he’s going to arrest you for DUI. What?! How could this happen?!

But then you remember… you took some cold medicine this morning… maybe a little too much, who knows, you were in such a rush that you didn’t measure it…

And just like that, you’re arrested and slapped with a DUI.

What to do

Now, try not to panic. There are ways to prevent having a permanent DUI charge on your record, but only if you act fast. Call Southern California’s expert DUI defense attorney, Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm. He’s worked on thousands of DUI cases, and he’ll know exactly what to do to achieve the ideal outcome in your case.

Your situation isn’t that unusual, so try not to worry. Just setup an appointment with Attorney Dan Chambers now. He’ll go over all your options with you, and give you a realistic prognosis of the most likely outcome of your case. He’ll fight for your rights and best interests every step of the way, so you don’t have to worry when Attorney Chambers is on your side.

Your first appointment is free, so schedule it now by calling 714-760-4088, emailing, or by using the chat box below.

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