Top Rated Beverly Hills Criminal Defense Attorney

Top Rated Beverly Hills Criminal Defense AttorneyHave you been charged with DUI in Beverly Hills, California? Have you been charged with domestic violence, assault and battery, forgery, theft, or any other crime in Beverly Hills? Getting a great Beverly Hills criminal defense lawyer can mean the difference between your freedom or incarceration, a light fine or a heavy one, and the destruction of your reputation or the unequivocal proof of your innocence.

Got in trouble in Beverly Hills?

Celebrities such as Shakira, Jennifer Aniston, Christina Aguilera, Heidi Klum, and even Dr. Phil have made Beverly Hills their home. Like any sought-out California city, its residents can sometimes get into trouble, requiring the assistance of a top rated Beverly Hills criminal defense attorney.

Chambers has a unique perspective and skill set

Dan Chambers of Southern California’s Chambers Law Firm is an attorney with over 20 years of experience as a prosecutor and defense lawyer. As a former prosecutor, he offers a unique perspective that clients really value because he has the connections on both sides of the law system to achieve optimal results in just about every case.

Top rated attorney delivers great results

Beverly Hills is a special place to live, and naturally, those who live there always seek out the best representation possible. Ashlee Simpson, Charlie Sheen, and Miley Cyrus have also chosen Beverly Hills their home, and anytime any one of them is in need of a top-rated Beverly Hills attorney, surely they’ll come to Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm.

No matter who you are, you’ll be treated with respect

He treats every case as if he were defending someone who is rich and famous. No matter who you are, he and his staff will treat you with respect and always communicate with you promptly about all progress that has been made. You can count on him to fight to defend you in the Southern California court system, no matter what allegations have been brought against you.

He has worked on numerous high-profile cases for both misdemeanor and felony charges, so you can rest assured that he will handle your case tenaciously and respectfully.

Get a free consultation

If you’ve been charged with DUI, elder abuse, drug crimes, or any other crime, time is absolutely of the essence. Lots of charges can be taken care of efficiently by a superb criminal defense attorney like Dan Chambers, but only if you call him for a complimentary initial consultation as soon as possible. He has 6 locations in Southern California, one of which is right in Beverly Hills:

9107 Wilshire Boulevard

Suite 450

Beverly Hills, CA 90210

The office phone number is 714-760-4088—call to schedule your free consultation today! Or just leave him a message online by clicking “CONTACT” in the menu above. Whatever you do, don’t delay—contact the Chambers Law Firm to get the help you need today.

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