What’s Different About Chambers Law Firm?

Learn what sets Chambers Law Firm apart from other criminal defense firms.

Are you currently facing charges for a crime? Naturally you want to find the best possible attorney for your needs so that you can secure the most favorable outcome possible to your case. You will no doubt have plenty of attorneys to choose from, but we hope you will choose Dan E. Chambers. Why? Because with the support of Dan and his dedicated team at Chambers Law Firm, you can rest assured you will be getting the expert attention and representation you deserve.

Here are the main points that set Chambers Law Firm apart from the crowd and make us an excellent choice of criminal defense attorney.

No Gatekeepers

At other law firms, clients often struggle to get in touch with their attorney. They may have to face multiple layers of secretaries, legal assistants, and junior attorneys before actually getting their concerns heard by their criminal defense attorney. At Chambers Law Firm, we don’t believe in gatekeepers. Instead, every client is given Dan E. Chambers’ personal cell number so that they can reach Dan directly with any questions or concerns.

Personal Handling of All Court Appearances

Dan E. Chambers makes all court appearances for every client himself. This is a marked contrast to what goes on at other law firms, where seemingly routine or minor appearances are often passed off to junior attorneys. This practice may save the senior attorneys time, but it can potentially put clients at a disadvantage should a “routine” court proceeding turn out to be more complicated than expected. When you hire Chambers Law Firm, you can rest assured that your case will never suffer from the inexperience of some junior attorney, since Dan E. Chambers will be handling all appearances for the case himself.

Honest Advice & Aggressive Advocacy

In his consultations with you, Dan E. Chambers will be absolutely candid about your options and your chances for securing various outcomes in your case. He will present his advice as to your best course of action, but ultimately he will become a strong advocate for whatever position you choose to take, whether this be pleading innocent or seeking a plea deal.

No Hidden Fees

One final fact that sets Chambers Law Firm apart from the crowd is our guarantee that the fee we quote you at the beginning of the case will be the fee you pay at the end of the case. We will never add hidden charges, and we won’t pull a bait and switch on you either, even if your case turns out to be more complicated than expected.

To learn more about working with Dan E. Chambers and Chambers Law Firm to protect your rights and interests in a criminal case, please call or click now. We’ll be happy to schedule a free initial consultation for you.

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