Will I ever get my license reinstated after a DUI?

Will I ever get my license reinstated after a DUI?If you’ve been arrested and convicted of a DUI in California, and your license as suspended or revoked, the process to get it reinstated will likely be lengthy – but in most cases, it’s not impossible.

Getting arrested for DUI and confiscation of your license

Your California driver’s license may have been suspended or revoked for many reasons. One of the most serious reasons is a DUI. As soon as you are pulled over and evaluated for DUI, if the police officer determines that you were DUI, your license will be taken away, and you’ll be issued a pink temporary license. This license is only good for 30 days from the date of your arrest for DUI. After this period, you license will be automatically suspended unless you request a DMV administrative hearing within 10 days.

Other reasons for driver’s license revocation

It’s also possible that your license was suspended for reckless driving or refusing to submit a blood-alcohol test. Or perhaps you have a previous DUI conviction on your record, and you’re found to have ANY measurable amount of alcohol in your blood while driving – in which case, your license will likely be revoked.

Getting a suspended license reinstated

Now we turn to the principle question at hand – will I ever get my driver’s license reinstated after a DUI? The judge who decides your case will set certain conditions for your probation, and once you fulfill all of these requirements, your license may be reinstated. You’ll likely have to attend DUI education classes, pay serious fines, and you may have to serve jail time. Additional penalties may be imposed as well. Plus you definitely want to make sure you don’t drive while your license is suspended. If you do, and you get caught, you could be facing some serious repercussions – possibly even jail time.

Once you fulfill all the terms set by the judge, you still won’t be done. You’ll have to submit a petition to the DMV to request reinstatement of your license. You’ll have to provide proof that you completed all the terms set by the court in your criminal DUI case.

Feeling lost?

If all this information is making your head spin, know that you’re not alone. Many people find this whole process incredibly confusing, but the good news is that you don’t have to handle it alone. Enlist DUI expert defense attorney Dan Chambers of the Chambers Law Firm to help you navigate every aspect of your DUI case, including license reinstatement procedures.

All prospective clients are welcome to schedule their first appointment, which is complimentary, with Attorney Chambers now by calling 714-760-4088, emailing dchambers@clfca.com, or by using the chat box below.

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