
The Effects of Drinking & Driving

Driving & driving puts drivers and the public at risk for serious consequences Like most laws, California’s DUI laws exist to protect the public at large—and to protect individuals from themselves. Driving while intoxicated by alcohol is never a good idea, yet...

The Cost of Arson in California

With a state-wide drought still ongoing, arson is very real threat There are two main types of arson: willful and reckless. Drought conditions tend to set the stage for both. During a drought, reckless acts such as flicking a cigarette into high grass are more likely...

Fire Season and Arson Cases

Reckless burning can result in arson charges during fire season Fire season is coming early this year. The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection has recently issued a release urging property owners to ensure that they are in compliance with California...

Field Sobriety Tests – What to Expect

Field sobriety tests are designed for you to fail. Don’t take them! When law enforcement officers stop drivers for any reason, they are always on the lookout for possible signs of DUI. This is true whether they have stopped you for a routine traffic violation or at a...

7 Reasons to Hire an Irvine DUI Attorney

Fight back with the help of an Irvine DUI attorney to avoid these 7 possible consequences of DUI If you’ve been charged with DUI, don’t just meekly accept a conviction and all the consequences it may bring. An Irvine DUI attorney may be able to help you secure a...

Orange County DUI Penalties & Fines

Orange County DUI penalties and fines are a strong deterrent to driving under the influence. Every year in California, there are roughly 200,000 DUI arrests and between 140,000 and 150,000 convictions. Since the dangers of driving while under the influence of drugs or...

5 Defenses for Domestic Violence Charges

Don’t let unfounded domestic violence charges ruin your life. Hire an expert defense attorney and explore these 5 common defense strategies Domestic violence is taken very seriously in the state of California. Victims who have allegedly suffered violence or abuse at...

10 Dumb California Laws

Just because a law is dumb doesn’t mean you don’t need a quality defense attorney Many dumb laws exist across the country, and California certainly has its share. Some laws are dumb because they’re outdated, while others are poorly written or downright unenforceable....
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