How to Choose a Drug Defense Lawyer in Riverside, CA

How to Choose a Drug Defense Lawyer in Riverside, CA

Have you or someone you’re close to been charged with a drug offense in California? If you’re searching for a drug defense lawyer in Riverside, CA then chances are you’re desperate: Desperate to find an attorney who will work tirelessly for the best possible outcome. You’ve found that attorney in Chambers Law Firm but don’t take our word for it – read on to learn the most important factors to consider.

Look for an attorney who can help with all types of drug charges

Drug crimes in California include possession, selling, transporting, and manufacturing illegal substances including:

  • Marijuana
  • Crack
  • Ecstasy
  • Methamphetamine
  • Cocaine
  • Heroin
  • Ketamine
  • GHB
  • Prescription drugs

Other drug crimes include possessing drug paraphernalia, such as a heroin needle or crack pipe, and driving while under the influence of drugs. You need an attorney in the Los Angeles area who has experience working a wide range of drug crime cases.

Choose a drug defense lawyer in Riverside, CA who will be honest about possible penalties

At Chambers Law Firm, our job is to be honest with you about your options and to follow your instructions. We will ensure you’re well informed and will give you our opinion. However, at the end of the day, you’re the one who has to suffer the consequences. We will not sugar coat your case. Instead, we’ll be honest about the possible penalties.

Consequences for a drug conviction can range, based on a number of issues. For example, if you’re convicted of possessing a controlled substance then your punishment could be as long as three years in state prison. On the other hand, we may be able to work out a deal with the prosecutor and / or judge for you to complete a drug diversion program instead.

Possessing narcotics with the intent to sell generally has stiffer penalties than simple possession, but in most cases the worst penalties come for those who are convicted of manufacturing drugs. If you’re convicted of cooking meth, your punishment could be as much as seven years in prison.

Work with an attorney who will present you with defense options

While the possible penalties can be terrifying, the good news is that a good drug defense lawyer in Riverside, CA can help you mount an aggressive defense. There are a number of highly effective strategies that can disprove your guilt. For example, narcotic officers may have made a mistake during the bust. They may have not followed California’s search and seizure laws, or they may have violated the entrapment laws of California.

No matter what the case is, one of our first lines of defense will be to have key evidence thrown out. If we’re successful, then the case may be thrown out due to lack of evidence. This is just one example of successful defense strategies that have worked for us in the past. If you’re ready to work with a top drug defense lawyer in Riverside, CA, then it’s time to call Chambers Law Firm at 714-760-4088 for your free initial consultation.

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